Support Us
As school budgets get cut more every year, it is arts programs like this that get cut first. The orchestra program gets some funding from the school but it doesn't cover all expenses for music, buses, competition fees, etc. The booster club fills this gap and also helps keep the orchestra program up to date with technology and other classroom needs. This is an opportunity for you to directly help here in the local community. We are a "qualifying” 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and your purchases and donations are tax deductible.
Please consider making a tax-deductable donation on our Online Store page.
Kroger Community
​Rewards Program
Once logged into your Kroger account you can search for Forestwood Middle School Orchestra Booster Club either by name or Kl202 and then click ENROLL
Must re-link to FMS Orchestra every fall after Aug 1.
Tom Thumb
Good Neighbor Program
Print the registration form at https://www.tomthumb.com/content/dam/store/good-neighbor/GOOD_NEIGHBOR_CHARITY_TT.pdf​
Link our FMSOBC account # 14192 to your indvidual loyalty account and we will earn while you shop!